It was a robust moment filled with fulfilment as we took to one of the biggest government hospitals in Anambra state, the General hospital situated in Awka road Onitsha, Anambra state.

There was a feeling of surprise as the doctors were in askance of the people who stormed their space; however our branded bus and outer garment and uniform did the first part of the talking.

Today, we were very excited to share the items we brought to aid the hospital equipment for the patients and even the doctors as well. It was really not about us but has a lot to do with the acts of kindness and exploits the Lord had commissioned us to engage in through our International President and founder Rev. Mrs Nches Iredu as this month is also known to be our month of doing exploits.

As we have been taught by our Mummy, the daughters of SFI at the headquarters to lead in kick-starting this great event. Although, we have been doing this over the years, however, this year took another angle and dimension altogether. These women contributed a lot to get items such as Hospital beds, clutches, wheelchairs, tissue papers, and some other toiletries items.

They didn’t stop there, with an increase in demand for feeding and the high cost of living which is skyrocketing daily and the global food crisis, these women went out of their way to cook and distribute to every patient in every ward of the hospital. This is one culture we have imbibed in Sisters’ Fellowship international as our motto reads, “Love in action”. It was indeed a time to show love. This can only happen when there is the existence of the love of Jesus evidently seen in the midst of his people.

Sisters’ Fellowship exploit activities will continue collectively even next week Tuesday 16th August 2022 in another designated place. This is what the Lord will have us to do in this season and we will not relent as we partake as co-labourers in his vineyard and his extended hands here on earth.

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